Rose n' Thyme - Florists in Bearsden & Hyndland
Berry Festive Hand tie Bouquet
Berry Festive Hand tie Bouquet
Celebrate the holiday season with our "Berry Festive Bouquet," a stunning hand-tied arrangement that captures the warmth and charm of winter. Featuring vibrant red ilex berries, rustic thistles, eucalyptus with lush seasonal foliage, this bouquet brings a fresh, natural elegance to any setting. Carefully arranged in water to ensure long-lasting beauty and presented in our signature Rose n Thyme branded gift box, this is the perfect Christmas gift or an inviting accent for your own holiday decor. The "Berry Festive Bouquet" adds a touch of winter magic to any space, making it a truly memorable gift this season.
Size shown in image is Classic.
Compliment this design with a matching table centre "Berry Festive Hand tie Bouquet"