Rose n' Thyme - Florists in Bearsden & Hyndland
Winter Elegance Hand tie Bouquet
Winter Elegance Hand tie Bouquet
Celebrate the season with our "Winter Elegance Hand-Tied Bouquet," a luxurious floral arrangement designed to bring a touch of festive sophistication to any space. This exquisite bouquet features a harmonious blend of pure white roses, lilies, thistles, hypericum berries, and delicate eustoma, enhanced with winter foliage for a lush, seasonal feel. Choose between shimmering accents of gold or silver asparagus fern for a personalized touch of holiday glamour. Arranged in water for lasting freshness and beautifully presented in our signature Rose n Thyme gift box, this bouquet is an elegant gesture of appreciation or a perfect Merry Christmas gift for someone special.
This design comes in 4 sizes. Design shown in image is Classic.
Matching table centrepiece available "Winter Elegance Table Design"